I love this post, Kathryn! The photos are exquisite - even the unintentional selfie! - and your words are deep and thought-provoking, inviting me to re-examine my preconceived and imprinted ideas about waiting. I especially loved the way you talked about waiting as "the energy of the not yet." That was a new way of looking at it for me; I often see waiting as something absent activity/energy. And thank you so much for the shout-out and quotes from my PR post. Much love.

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Thanks Kathy, your words about persistence and resilience arrived in my in-box at just the right time and continue to. travel with me and teach me.

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Kathryn, thank you for sharing the pictures of your Waiting Period for Butterflies and Plants. I too have been waiting and wondering about Blossoms and have finally decided to give up and Wait and See what BLOOMS next year , hoping we will be surprised, always a delight. The waiting for God/Creation to answer us is one thing I am learning to have Ears to Hear and Eyes to See. Thank you for your words.

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Barbara, thank you for sharing your noticings too - particularly when I plant wild flowers, I find I often do wait an extra year to see what will bloom.

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Ah this is such a beautiful post. Perfect reading in my “not yet” timing place.

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Thanks, Jan. I am so glad it met you in that space too.

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Those photos are amazing!!

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Thank you - they really are a wonder - glad to be able to capture some moments to share!

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Wonderful! Thanks for writing and sending this to all of us. Kathryn, I hadn't even noticed the lithonia hadn't come up this year! A statement about my state of mind! But I loved your reminding me, and of course I'm now so curious what happened, how the circumstances changed. Maybe lots of things? Maybe one? And I loved whichever son said he didn't like tomatoes ... yet! What openness while holding the boundary! May we all approach trepidation around taste or adventure with that range in mind. It resonates with me in a deja vu kind of way, but I can't place it...yet.

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Thanks my friend, I'm still holding out hope for some late fall tithonia blooms. The velvet stems and soft leaves are gracing the garden and finally a few buds. I hear lots of comments about it being a different kind of growing season this year - definitely true for us but not sure why.

Glad this resonates for you in so many ways and thankful for the chance to share.

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