There much to for me to think about in this idea of over fullness and the way that can impact creativity. I’ve been feeling a deep need for what I’d call white space, not so much in my life because my daily life is fairly quiet now, but in my mind which constantly feels like it’s bursting with thoughts and ideas and things to read and consider. I’ve been thinking about how I can quiet all these things clamoring for attention, wonderful though they are, and gather some space for a quieter mind.

I think simply gazing at your lovely watercolors and imagining myself there might be a way to start! They are so beautiful.

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Thanks, Becca, I hope my watercolors can serve you in this way. The view of the bay certainly did this for me. I find that this sort of painting creates some mind space for me as it pulls me fully into seeing and placing color - that quiets my mind.

I relate to what you say about so many things clamoring for attention, I try to see it as abundance, not obligation and to remember I can choose what I attend to in any given moment and let some things go by.

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I love these watercolors, Kathryn. And I'm sitting with all your observations. Great food for thought! I've been craving quiet too. Perhaps it's time to honor that.

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Thank you, feeling kinship with you in the craving for quiet.

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I relish the quiet and I enjoy the energy and fun of being with friends and in participating in activities. I realize everyday with more understanding that it is in the quiet and rest that I am able to absorb the good will of others and the joy of learning and new experiences. It is in the quiet times that I am able to make order, listen to the quiet, appreciate life and enjoy life’s treasures and slowly roll into a creative and productive calm.

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I love how you name the quiet as time for absorbtion of the goodness of time in community. That is such a great way to think of it and helpful in my process too.

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I'm drawn to your statement of sometimes being creatively depleted while being over-full. How the fullness in one area can cause depletion in another. Yes. Here's to emptiness and the fullness it brings!

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Yes, and thanks for your wisdom and inspiration in your post.

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