Today I’m trying out a new addition to my Substack publication: the Kathryn’s Newsletter subscriber chat.
This is a conversation space in the Substack app that I set up exclusively for my subscribers — kind of like a group chat or live hangout. I’ll post short prompts, thoughts, and updates that come my way, and you can jump into the discussion.
I would love to hear more from you about how ideas and resources I share connect with your experience so this is one way to do that.
Below is a link to join the chat either by downloading the Substack app or by connecting on the web.
Substack also has a new feature for writers to post notes. I have been enjoying posts by writers I follow and wanted to try this too. Here is the link to notes. As I understand it, this link will take you to the Substack page and will show notes from any writers you currently follow on Substack.
I’ve written before about how technology can be a bit confusing for me. I generally have to try things and see what happens to figure out how they work.
I welcome your feedback on your ease with connection to these new chat and notes options. Today, they feature the same message which is also posted below:
Welcome to May!
I’ve been reflecting on the expansive meaning of the word may and especially on my visit last year to The May Room, an art installation created by Shantell Martin.
The room was filled floor to ceiling with Martin’s drawings and writing. One wall contained all sentences beginning with “May you…”
Examples pictured here read:
“May you find clarity and guidance.”
“May your light shine.”
There was something wonderful about the extra effort to find the message in the drawn shapes and somewhat jumbled letters. Taking in the offerings of the space, I felt a sense of expansiveness and connection. They felt like both blessing and permission giving in the best possible way. Not the permission giving of someone holding authority over me but the permission giving of someone who sees my full potential and wishes the same for me.
I’m curious what messages might you add to a May room as reminders for yourself, for others, for community?
May I…
May you…
May we…
May I be courageous in learning new technology to nurture connection around creativity.
May you delight in your creativity.
May we connect and share in conversation.
With a grateful heart,
I enjoy your writing so much. I read this yesterday morning and it became a meditation throughout my teaching day... This is what I settled on and will carry with me today :)
May I stay compassionate.
May you find what you need.
May we see the good.
May I connect to others!