Light, Color, Seasons and Cycles: An Invitation to Creative Practice

An Invitation to Creative Practice for February
Light Color Seasons and Cycles
We often think of art as something made by other people; comments like "there's not a creative bone in my body" signify how creativity is an innate condition, reserved for a select few.
In fact, we each create our realities including our visions of ourselves as creative or not every day in every moment.
Practice requires making space, a commitment, willingness to show up and courage to be vulnerable.
Read on for an invitation to explore creative practice during the month of February.
Honoring Seasons and Making Room for New Growth
My phrase for January has been resting in repetition. I have been welcoming a slower pace and quieter season as we settle in to winter.
I find myself increasingly turning to materials to calm my nervous system as we continue in a time of unrest and uncertainty. In my creative life, I have been drawn to knitting, work with clay, photography on long walks and tending to old work, sorting and making space in my home studio. I've been particularly aware lately of the meditative quality of creative practice and the gifts that come with focused attention to materials.
As I rest in familiar tasks, I am also aware of new ideas bubbling below the surface. One of these relates to writing about creative practice. For the last few months, I have been collecting some of my favorite practices related to four themes: light, color, seasons and cycles. For February I want to experiment with sharing some of these practices through a daily newsletter dedicated to contemplative creative practice. You can sign up here or by clicking the button below.
Here's how it will work:
Each weekday, Monday - Friday you will receive an email with some suggestions for practices related to the theme for the week. These may include artists to look to for inspiration as well as invitations to reflect on these themes in your own life. You are welcome to try as many or as few practices as suits you and your schedule. I also encourage inviting a friend or members of your household to join with you. It is my belief that creative contemplation is embodied, experiential and intergenerational. You might use the prompts to connect in a different way with people you see every day or to share with those you haven't seen for some time. I hope that sharing our creations and experiences can have a ripple effect and inspire others in creative practice as well.
I also welcome you to share creations with me through email and on Instagram with the hashtag #papercolorearth
Learn more and sign up by clicking the button below.

Thank you to everyone who made a purchase on my ETSY site in the last few months, your support has been overwhelming and I am thankful for the chance to share my work in this way.

Fine Lines: Walking the Labyrinth of Grief and Loss
I am grateful to have gotten to travel with Kathy Swaar during her book writing process and honored to have my labyrinth print featured on the cover of her new book. Learn more on Kathy's website.
Thank you for reading and being a part of creative community through this newsletter.
With a grateful heart,