Creative Practice in a New Season
My newest paper cut focuses on the changing seasons of the year and the changing light at the different hours of the day. Observation and awareness of the hours of the day and the seasons of the year can bring us into a contemplative, prayerful space.
Something to try at home...
As I talk with friends and family and see posts on social media, I hear again and again how connection with nature is a comfort to many in this time.
Above are two simple accordion books I made depicting the hours of the day and the seasons of the year. I invite you to try this project at home with materials you have on hand.
Magazines, junk mail and wrapping papers can all be torn to bits to create material for collages. Crayons, markers, watercolor, colored pencils and pens work as well. Each of these books was made from a strip of paper cut from a sheet of standard copy paper.
I love accordion books because they can be stretched out to see the whole book at once and pages can be done in series without worry they will stick together. For a longer book, you can easily join two strips of paper.
While many of us are now juggling childcare and working from home, I also hear people notice how they have more time for creative projects. I invite you to try this project as a family. I would love to see what you create.
Please share via email.
Community Supported Studio - Update
Many thanks for all the responses to our survey. Community, connection and creativity feel more important than ever right now.
At the same time, uncertainty makes it difficult to explore opening a new business right now. Things are on hold for a bit as we think and learn.
In the mean time, Jenna and I have been talking about ways we might create community on-line.
Have ideas to share?
We continue to welcome responses to our survey and replies to this email.
Exhibiting Art in Uncertain Times...
My exhibit that was to open April 1 at Huntley Meadows Park is postponed indefinitely as the park facilities are closed at this time.
Thank you to everyone who wrote to let me know they were able to see my work at Martha Washington Library the first two weeks in March before the libraries closed.
Quotes and research are a big part of this current series and I am grateful our libraries have such a wealth of resources to share and that they also provide space to share art in community.
Below is the title image for my series, Mother Trees Voices of Nature and Nurture.
The title is inspired by ecologist, Suzanne Simard, who researches connections between trees in the forest and describes the mother trees as the oldest and most connected in the forest, the ones who nurture others. The voices I want to celebrate are those that have been most influential to my own journey and finding solace and sanctuary in art and nature.
Follow me on Instagram @kathrynconeway to see more of my creative practice. Below is an image of a collage work-in-progress on the theme of observing the same tree at different hours of the day.
In difficult times, it is easy to think creativity is a luxury, that there isn't time for creative practice.
Quite the opposite, our creativity is essential as we navigate unknown territory and improvise new routines amid so much change.
Immersion in making, in learning, in creative practice heals and connects us in hard times. This is true for individuals and communities. My favorite thing about creativity is how it wants to be shared. I would love for you to share what you are creating.