Welcome to a New Year
It's been a year of newness and change for my work. I have shifted from a dedicated space for gathering around art making to increased work in community, sharing practices and routines that support creative practice.
My goal for this work is to share practices so that working together with materials can deepen connections in schools and communities.
You can read about some of my workshops this year on the Art at the Center blog.
Below are links to new projects I am beginning for 2016.
I would love to hear about your creative practices too.
Part of my process as I shift from a dedicated space to working and sharing with communities is to reflect on what practices really ground my work.
This blog is to be a collection of reflections on how a studio can be a sanctuary, a place apart, for making, sharing and connecting.
Studio as Centering Space
Studio as Sanctuary
I started a new blog with a commitment to make something everyday for 2016.
I was inspired in part by this article in the Washington Post Magazine on similar practices of making everyday for a year.
Here's my beginning...